
Over 20 Years Of Legal Counsel In Lawrenceburg, Indiana

I represent clients with regard to all State Misdemeanor, Felony, DUI/OWI, and Juvenile offenses in Dearborn and Ohio Counties in Indiana, including:
Gavel and Scales of Justice in a Table — Attorney in Lawrenceburg, IN
  • Driving Offenses, including Operating While Intoxicated (OWI - also known as “DUI” in some jurisdictions), Driving While Suspended, Reckless Operation, and Operating as a Habitual Traffic Violator.
  • Drug, Controlled Substance and Paraphernalia Offenses, including Possession, Delivery and Manufacture.
  • Offenses Against Persons, including Battery (Assault), Intimidation, Invasion of Privacy, Criminal Confinement and offenses alleging sexual misconduct.
Forgery — Attorney in Lawrenceburg, IN
  • Offenses Against Property, including Theft, Criminal Mischief, Forgery, Fraud, Check Deception, business/white collar crimes, burglary and robbery.
  • Offenses Against Public Order, including Disorderly Conduct, Resisting Law Enforcement and Public Intoxication.
  • Probation Violations.
Scale of Justice — Attorney in Lawrenceburg, IN
  • Juvenile Delinquency matters.
  • Expungement of criminal arrest and conviction records.
  • Specialized Driving Privileges.
If you have any questions about whether I am right to represent you in a particular matter, I would be glad to discuss this with you. You are invited to call my office to set up a no-cost, no-obligation consultation at (812) 537-0905.
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